
Cambridge 9, Test 2, Writing Task 2.

The topic below from Cambridge 9 IELTS book:

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsary part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children).
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is my task 2 answer for the topic:

It is thought that  voluntary activities must be included in high school curriculum as one of the most essential part. I completely agree with the statement that students should get profitable experiences by working as a volunteer.
There are several reasons why I believe that young people are able to benefit  from doing unpaid works. Firstly, such activities prepare them to be a productive member of society. As a result, it reduces criminal incidents amoung the youth. Secondly, they  get practical skills and useful experiences at community works for their future career path and learn to stand on their feet. Another reason is that I think that such programmes also increase young people's sense of community.
In my opinion, volunteering is the perfect way for students to discover something they are really good at and develop a new skill at early. In addition, it is also a great opportunity  to built a rich relationship between young people and elders. From envorimental perspective, some volunteer activities help preserve the environment from air pollution, industrial wastes and etc. There's no doubt that nowadays some students waste their time on worthless activities. If high school make them turns to community works as a volunteer, it helps them effectivly spend their worth time on what is profitable for them.
In conclusion, I really support that unpaid community activities should be a important part of programmes in high school.

Useful phrases from essay:

school curriculum
profitable experiences
unpaid works
criminal incidents
future career path
increase young people's sense of community
develop a new skill at early
to built a rich relationship between...
From envorimental perspective
preserve the environment from ...
waste their time on ...


  1. Thanks! its really help when i write essay.

  2. Its very helpfull. Thankyou!

  3. Its really good thanks.

  4. I have also written the same. thanks

  5. very knowledgeable👍

  6. Anonymous2/03/2022

    Oru myrum manslayilla

  7. Anonymous5/31/2022


  8. Anonymous11/30/2022

    It's help to good score in ielts writing. ..once again thanks n.

  9. Very Impressive
