
Cambridge 8, Test 1, Writing Task 1.

It is my IELTS essay for a writing task 1 on Cambridge 8 IELTS book.

The provided chart illustrates the percentages of the three principal reasons which impact badly on productivity of arable land. The table demonstrates how much amount of land in North America, Europe and Oceania was degraded by these effects during the 1990s. 
It is clear that over grasing affects on agricultural fields rather than other causes do. Overall, Europe saw the highest harm among three regions. 
35% of the total amount of land is made useless by feeding domestic animals. There is no a sharp distinction between the figures for impacts of deforestration and cultivation. Deforestration take up 30% of the total percentages, while cultivation causes 28% of all degradations. The figures for other reasons are 7%.
9.8% of European fields was unproductive by deforestation, while the figures for this category were 1.7% for Oceania and 0.2% for North America in 1990s. 7.7% of arable areas in Europe and 3.3% of North America's lost their effectiveness by cultivating. Grazing activity had 1.5% of impact on North America, when 11,3% of areas in Oceania and 5.5% of Europe's felt into disuse by grazing. 

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