
Useful Phrases Part 4.

These phrases were taken from the reading passages of test 4 on Cambridge IELTS 9 book.

  • to turn attention to smth
  • a method of teaching based on experimental demonstrations
  • to raise funds for research on smth.
  • a decisive contribution to the success of smth. 
  • emprical investigations
  • play an important part in defining smth. 
  • economical activities
  • seasonal agriculture


Cambridge 8, Test 1, Writing Task 1.

It is my IELTS essay for a writing task 1 on Cambridge 8 IELTS book.

The provided chart illustrates the percentages of the three principal reasons which impact badly on productivity of arable land. The table demonstrates how much amount of land in North America, Europe and Oceania was degraded by these effects during the 1990s. 
It is clear that over grasing affects on agricultural fields rather than other causes do. Overall, Europe saw the highest harm among three regions. 
35% of the total amount of land is made useless by feeding domestic animals. There is no a sharp distinction between the figures for impacts of deforestration and cultivation. Deforestration take up 30% of the total percentages, while cultivation causes 28% of all degradations. The figures for other reasons are 7%.
9.8% of European fields was unproductive by deforestation, while the figures for this category were 1.7% for Oceania and 0.2% for North America in 1990s. 7.7% of arable areas in Europe and 3.3% of North America's lost their effectiveness by cultivating. Grazing activity had 1.5% of impact on North America, when 11,3% of areas in Oceania and 5.5% of Europe's felt into disuse by grazing. 


Cambridge 8, Test 2, Writing Task 2.

It is my example answer for Writing Task 2 on Cambridge 8 IELTS book.

"Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?
Has this become a positive or negative development?"

My example answer:

It is widely accepted that technology has a direct impact on modern life. Although it has changed positively the ways of connections between people, I believe there are some drawbacks in using of some technological innovations.
In fact, it is impossible to think of our daily life without mobile phones or internet. If people connected each others with mails, pigeon-post or herald in the remote past, nowadays they use electron mails or fax machines for same purpose. Teachers send reports to parents about their children's activities at school. In addition, video messaging is becoming common for business meetings.
There are some reasons why I think that technoogy affected us favourably. The main reason is that it gives us instant access to connect people without depending on distances. I want to give example from my own experience. When I was studying abroad, sometimes I felt homesick. Then I talked with my family on the Internet by using Video Calls programme, so it gave me a feeling of happiness. Another reson is that people can keep in touch with relatives by email or some messenger services and they can also share their pictures or video messages on social websites with their friends.
In my opinion, technology has some negative effects us. Firstly, it builts a barrier for people's relationships between in their real life and social life. Therefore, they tend to limit keep in touch by mobile phones or online. Secondly, our communicative habitats are changed by technology. For instance, before people discussed about something by meeting at public places like restaurants, cafes, book clubs, but now there are lots of forum websites and they usually debate on the Internet.
In conclusion, I support that technology makes easier our relationship with others in spite of some negative fedbacks.


Useful phrases Part 3.

I have noted these phrases from the passages of test 2-3 on Cambridge IELTS 10 book.

  • a fundamental goal of education
  • to limit the development of curiosity
  • a high level of motivation 
  • have a strong desire to do smth.
  • time seems to be a vital factor in smth.
  • in search of smth.
  • necessary for his survival
  • economic gain
  • to travel for pleasure
  • recorded history
  • to play a vital role in development of smth.
  • oral history and traditions


Useful Phrases Part 2.

I have noted these phrases from the passages of test 4 on Cambridge IELTS 8 book.

  • residental homes 
  • habitual behaviour
  • open to experiencing negative emotions
  • to help you realise full potential
  • to cultivate opmtimistic behaviour
  • favourable outcomes
  • to be passionate about 
  • to be (un)willing to accept the negative feelings
  • to take a break
  • a risky situation
  • to mitigate the danger
  • to unable to return
  • to pose a puzzle
  • to lost the ability (of) to


Useful Phrases Part 1.

I always note useful phrases, while I am reading on passages from Cambridge IELTS books. Now I want to share with you my notes from the reading passages of test 2 on Cambridge IELTS 8 Book. You can use these phrases for both speaking exams and writing task 2 topics.

  • tension interactions between ...
  • minimise waste
  • climatic shifts
  • to be at the mercy of smth
  • dazzling opportunism
  • periods of droughts
  • a vital commodity
  • animal fodder
  • a vast migration from ...
  • to evoke strong emotional responses
  • grimace with disgust
  • emotional or social bonding
  • to struggle to express our experience


Cambridge 10, Test 1, Speaking Part 2

The Speaking Part 2 below from Cambridge IELTS book 10.

Describe someone you know who does something well: 
who this person is
how you know this person
what they do well
and explain why you think this person is so good at doing this.

That is my example answer for this topic:

I want to talk about a man whose name is Mahammad and my close friend. I have knew him since 2010 because of being my groupmate at same university we've been studying.  I can say that he is very sophisticated and having big heart about charity. He always tend to attend at  events which is organised to help people in need for food, clothing, money or other things. I remember that the fair arranged in one of the most popular shopping centre in Baku was dedicated to collect money for children who suffer from leukemia. We saled some second hand books given us by our friends and relatives and at the ends of fair we've already earned about 600 dollars. It raised our happines about this event. Mahammad invariably efforts to be a part of such charity activites. In my opinion, such his attempts  is very appreciable. Mahammad has organizer, comunicative skills about social activites and He've got  a lot of useful experiences at voluntary works. In my opinion all these abilities help him to participate well at charity organizations.

Useful phrases from text:

having big heart about charity
to help people in need for ...
to raise our happines about ...
comunicative skills about ...
to participate well at charity organizations


Cambridge 9, Test 2, Writing Task 2.

The topic below from Cambridge 9 IELTS book:

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsary part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children).
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is my task 2 answer for the topic:

It is thought that  voluntary activities must be included in high school curriculum as one of the most essential part. I completely agree with the statement that students should get profitable experiences by working as a volunteer.
There are several reasons why I believe that young people are able to benefit  from doing unpaid works. Firstly, such activities prepare them to be a productive member of society. As a result, it reduces criminal incidents amoung the youth. Secondly, they  get practical skills and useful experiences at community works for their future career path and learn to stand on their feet. Another reason is that I think that such programmes also increase young people's sense of community.
In my opinion, volunteering is the perfect way for students to discover something they are really good at and develop a new skill at early. In addition, it is also a great opportunity  to built a rich relationship between young people and elders. From envorimental perspective, some volunteer activities help preserve the environment from air pollution, industrial wastes and etc. There's no doubt that nowadays some students waste their time on worthless activities. If high school make them turns to community works as a volunteer, it helps them effectivly spend their worth time on what is profitable for them.
In conclusion, I really support that unpaid community activities should be a important part of programmes in high school.

Useful phrases from essay:

school curriculum
profitable experiences
unpaid works
criminal incidents
future career path
increase young people's sense of community
develop a new skill at early
to built a rich relationship between...
From envorimental perspective
preserve the environment from ...
waste their time on ...


Cambridge 9, Test 2, Writing Task 1.

It is my example essay for a writing task 1 from Cambridge IELTS Book.

  The diagram demonstrates the over-all amount of minutes which the UK citizens spent on phone talks in three main categories over a period of 7 years. 
Overall, the figures for local calls fluctuated, while the total minutes of national and international and mobiles calls rose between 1995 and 2002. The most dramatic increase was seen in talks with mobile phones. 
British people spent over 70 billion minutes on local phone talks in 1995, when a half of those numbers was taken up by national and international calls. At the same time mobile phone using were not as more popular as others and the figures for mobiles were approximately 2 billions. The amount of minutes of local-fixed line calls reached a peak of 90 billion in 1999.
There was a gradual rise in all three categories from 1995 to 1999.  Then national and international telephone calls went up from 50 billion minutes to about 62 billion minutes in 2002, when local call minutes fall from 90 billion minutes to 72 billion minutes. Mobiles saw the sharp increase for 7 years and the amount of its minutes was about 45 billion at the end of period.